Hulme Road residents raise concerns overgrown trees that are in desperate need of some love, care and trimming!
Labour councillors had promised work would be undertaken and that the trees would be pruned and yet nothing has been done in years.
Local resident and conservative activist, Dan Barker, contacted Trafford Council’s Tree Unit to know what was on the cards.
Below is, as Dan says, a "lacklustre response". Dan goes on to say, "I know many will see this as very disappointing and worrying, as do I.
At a time when we know the Labour-run council can happily spend money on cones down the A56 costing £8,000 a month and fork out on 40% pay rise for themselves, adding £200K to your council tax bill next April, in the budget, and yet we see the basics being left and suggestions the residents should pay!
Dan is urging residents to lobby the council on https://www.trafford.gov.uk/residents/environment/tree-management/tree-management.aspx
Dan says he hopes that if enough residents raise the matter, "people power" might have some effect!
Labour Council response -
“A recent site inspection of Hulme Rd has been undertaken and as mentioned previously on job reference notes (300779538) the trees along Hulme Rd are on Phase 7 of the cyclical inspection/maintenance regime and are next due for inspection during the financial year of 2024/25
During this inspection/ maintenance regime all of the trees will receive the appropriate maintenance work, which will include crown lifting of the crowns where appropriate to provide highway and footpath clearance, removal of dead, diseased or damaged wood, together with other general maintenance works, including the reduction of branches away from adjacent properties or street furniture.
In exceptional circumstances the Council will carry out extra pruning work outside the cyclical maintenance pruning program. However, If the cyclical pruning programme is to be maintained, there should, under normal circumstances, be strict adherence to the established timetable, as any departure from the approved schedules could mean an unfair delay for other residents of the borough in respect of trees that would otherwise be due for attention.
If residents would like to have overhanging tree branches pruned before the next scheduled pruning date then, this work will need to be self-funded by residents following a visit by the Tree Unit to discuss the scope of any pruning. We would require any agreed work to be carried out using one of the councils tree contractors on the list of approved contractors.”